A Guam Based Electronic Engineering Firm. We create things that don't exist yet.
We created the first Garmin compatible digital maps of the Island well before it was fashionable, with Garmin's blessing.
Since then we have created maps for Both the CNMI and the Republic of Palau and continue to update our current maps monthly. With thousands of points of interest that continually grow and change, MGPS maps continue to be the most accurate of any
map available.
We also work with local fisherman and other sea-going entities to create Blue Charts for the oceans around Guam, the CNMI, and the Republic of Palau. While creating an excellent product we aim to increase safety and convenience to our residents and visitors by ensuring the most accurate and up-to-date data available is at their fingertips.
Are you looking for a team to help you build a great App for your company?
Marianas GPS is well versed in development for Android and Apple iOS mobile devices.
We can handle mobile projects from small, simple Apps to large complex projects,
including SQL Integration, MQTT applications, and BLE Beacon driven projects.
We have a proven track record in designing and developing Apps for the iOS or Android platform.
We currently have 12 mobile apps published under our name, and a few more that were created for other publishers.
We can handle projects for any type of industry and can design your App from scratch or include our existing tools and platforms.
And it's not as expensive as you might think.
The Internet Of Things is poised to take over the world, and Marianas GPS is ready.
We don't like re-inventing the wheel; If we can find a device you need, we're going to use it.
But sometimes there isn't anything available yet.
Using Arduino controllers integrated with low cost sensors and communications components,
we can create a device that you can control from across the room, or across the globe.
Whether it's automating your home, automating an industrial complex,
Marianas GPS has the technical ability to integrate existing technology with custom solutions to satisfy your needs.
When we create custom electronic devices for the Internet Of Things,
we have to house them in waterproof boxes to survive the harsh Tropical environment.
We thought about just purchasing and modifying off the shelf enclosures. but every
project is different. So we decided to invest in 3-D printing to allow for us to create the
absolute best enclosure for the task. And while it's idle, you're welcome to rent
time on the machine. Buy us a spool of filament and let's talk.
Sometimes, you need software that isn't available. Whether based on a PC or a Macintosh, MGPS has you covered. Rapid Application
Development for Windows or Macintosh is firmly in our wheelhouse. We have been developing for the Macintosh since 1986, for the
PC since 1992. We've also been known to dabble in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Python, and other odd scripting environments.
When you need a software solution to resolve repetitive task workflow, MGPS is the only direction you need to go.
Until we get our commercial drone pilot's license, we're not setup to accept commercial
ventures with our drone yet. At least, not within the United States. But we enjoy flying our
waterproof drone in and around our islands. We can land and take off from the water if the seas are
not too rough, and the view from underwater and from the air is spectacular! We look forward to getting
our certifications in order soon. Stay tuned!